I don’t think so there are any other series of the best water purifiers than those of Eureka Forbes. Well, the countless comments and reviews posted by real users on web validate the fact. It is not only at our home but also at my relatives’ places that drinking water purifiers by this company are being used. And it is now almost five years; earlier we used the conventional water purifiers. After our family doctor recommended the use of advanced drinking water purifiers that we changed the systems; this is because according to him the diseases that one member or the other suffered from are water borne. And he was right! Once we started using the hi-tech reverse osmosis water purification system, the journey of a healthy life started in the true sense of the term.
We are using the Aquasure Elegant DX, one of the best water purifiers in the reverse osmosis category that Eureka Forbes has launched in the market. This is no advertisement for this company; when you will actually start using Eureka Forbes drinking water purifiers, even you won’t stop yourself from speaking volume about this market leader.
Be it at my maternal uncle’s place or paternal uncle’s home or our home, reverse osmosis water purifiers have truly facilitated our healthy existence. With a storage capacity of 8 litres, the Aquasure Elegant DX fittingly serves the best water purifiers a needs of every member and guest! The 5-stage RO purifier reduces TDS by 90%.